1. UCLA International Digital Ephemera Project (IDEP) Toolkit https://uclalibrary.github.io/ideptoolkit///digprint
  2. IDEP Metadata Template https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nEIsORvcOvL3xOH_CJEbPJGeb6Etj_Qbj-vF_ROgB0M/edit#gid=15338334
  3. Remote Capture: Digitising Documentary Heritage in Challenging Locations, edited by Jody Butterworth, Andrew Pearson, Patrick Sutherland and Adam Farquhar (PDF in Resource folder) 
  4. Accessioning archival collections from the University of Florida library https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/archivalprocessing/intro 
  5. Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections by Kate Theimer (PDF in Resource folder) 
  6. The Lone Arranger by Christina Zamon (PDF in Resource folder)
  7. A guide on challenges of archival practices in SEA from an incredible conservator at Singapore’s National Archives (PDF in Resource folder)
  8. Researching Colonial History of the Malay World Like A Millenial https://sites.google.com/um.edu.my/colonialhistoryofthemalayworld/home

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