A postcard painted by Kawabata Ryushi with a title "A thorn is a challenge. The direction army dispatch of Malaya" during the World War II
A card from a large set that was released by Edito-Service S.A. in 1977 (also known as Atlas Editions Cards) and was available through mail
Featuring a Malay girl as the subject matter on this Japanese World War II postcard in Malaya.
1955 Straits Times advertisement for Maclean Stomach powder.
1930s Pat Po Sun powder advertisement for children printed on small envelopes used by pharmacists.
1955 Straits Times advertisement for Mission beverages, Singapore.
Hercules bicycle advertisement, Straits Times 1955.
Kepler's Cod Liver Oil advertisement, Straits Times 1955.
Stillman's Freckle Cream, Straits Times 1955.
Westinghouse Air Conditioners, Straits Times 1955.